Saturday, November 8, 2008

And they keep flowing...
Where are they coming from?

one expectant breath
as sunlight unfolds the new day
I wait in wonder

no walls
walking a new path
defining myself with words
without boundaries

November light
once again I watch,
sunlight sharpens every edge
magnified in gold

not met
I float on sunlight,
weightless with approach of night
suspended in you

trying to avoid...

I watch the play of light and shadow
and the day is gone...


The sky is an amazingly clear, brilliant blue this morning.
Anything seen against a sky like this is art.
A study in colour and shape.

clear blue
fresh inspiration
in a sky sharp as spring water
birds swimming in air

I will try and control myself/my words this weekend.
No guarantees.
I am effervescent (love that word and its sound)
full, overflowing,
with thoughts,
I can't keep up.
Maybe I need to let it all simmer for awhile.

Friday, November 7, 2008

a small thought

The more I write these things down -
the more I see, the more I hear.
You participate in conversations, go about your daily life....
but you are at the same time removed, watching.
As if you are living in multiple dimensions/universes,
and are aware of them all.
This is not unpleasant, but rather, inspiring.

Along a similar train of thought.
The sense/feeling of space/air/volume.
(I may be tackling too much here for my descriptive abilities.)
Between point A & point B,
I can see/feel/am aware of, the space itself.
Not just the quality of the air,
or even light (which can define it)
more than what your eyes see.
You can feel it if you choose.
It starts deep inside of you moving outward.
Infinitely joining you with everything.
I have felt this sense of space/place since I was very small.
Which why I am attempting (inadequately) to describe it here.

2 more for today....
Between warm sunlight
the shadows are deep in thought
While stones sing deeply

At night, city lights
shine through voices and laughter
The mountains are still
under a thin moon
that shines in a liquid sky
a gate is opened


Sensing my removed state of mind today.
A friend emailed me, asking what was going on.
I started to type back an answer, instantly, in haiku.
I gave her permission to whack me upside the head
if I start to talking haiku.

alone in my thoughts
I am speechless with words
looking for answers
testing the water
I slip beneath deep green waves
to be submerged

I feel I could sit here and write page after page,
and it would still not be as clear or true (to myself)
as these short poems.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

just a thought

5:15 AM
Out with my coffee this morning looking at my patch of stars.
Thought went through my head
"...people add dimension and depth to our lives..."
At that moment, just above me,
a long, gleaming, shooting star.

If only all our thoughts were accompanied
with such visible affirmation!

We affect, and are affected by, everything around us.
(Trite but true.)
no, not holding back
I turn to face old, pale, fears
we meet, eye to eye

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


How do you go about taking a vacation from yourself?
Not an extended one, just a short holiday - day trip perhaps.
Gain a different perspective.

"Searching my heart for its true sorrow,
This is thing I find to be:
That I am weary of words and people,
Sick of the city, wanting the sea."
Edna St. Vincent Millay

the hunt
I move from myself,
swiftly approaching a dream
quiet as a cat
deep inside I run
trying to escape the noise
beneath, a calm sea

more random pieces

Opening my door
holding the morning paper
the world made smaller

Though I can't remember when we had rain last.
I can still remember the smell....

air thick with light, and
a clean smell of creosote
rain in the desert

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

november light

At sunset,
there is an edge to the air this evening.
A cool breeze reminding me of the ocean.
In the desert?
Clouds at the horizon, dark Cerulean blue, violet, pale crimson....
yet my eye is drawn to the sky above them.
A strip of blue washed over with a translucent green.
(That color I have no name for.)
It glows just above the clouds, fleeting.

A small snake crosses in front of me.
Pale sinuous color of sand
No, I am too big for your dinner small one.
Cross quickly.

Going home,
one last look.
The sun, passed below,
sends out streams of light
pouring up into the sky.

at random

of places, moments, impressions, perceptions...

following a path
I find peace in the mountains
welcoming the chill

I move through sunlight
climbing on russet red rocks
the desert watches

ruby throat
sitting on a branch
a hummingbird watches me
colour in waiting

wishing for a cloud
I stand under the white sun
fused to the sky
Election Day today...this posted for a friend.

as I wait in line
for the chance to make my mark
changing the future

Monday, November 3, 2008

an intriguing place.....

Once more trying to put into words the desert.

Here I am,
The day leaving around me.

(Always wondering,
what is
around the next

I move quietly, quickly
with each step

I fill the sky

The light fades,
and colour sharpens.

small deaths
in each moment


Isn't science wonderful.

Hubble Survey Finds Missing Matter, Probes Intergalactic Web
NASA 05.20.08

“....Missing Matter....”
I never thought to check the Intergalactic Web......

wake-up to words

Up late night, mind already spinning.
Makes me wonder what goes on while I'm sleeping.

2 AM
thoughts spin through dark
leaving me searching for words
colliding in air

A morning ritual, looking up at the last of the night....

a shooting star shines
sailing across the horizon
right up to my door

I feel a gift has been given me,
each I look up and see a shooting star.
And I do see one, almost every time.
A wealth of starlight.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

words as company

I have no idea where this one came from
other than it's late, on a Sunday night.
Once again, inspired only by words.

the dig
In deep, still places
where you go, I will follow
unearthing the light

(I said I would share, never said they were any good.)

Dark Matter - revealed

"My God, it's full of stars!"
Arthur C. Clarke
That quote floats around in the back of my head.
It comes to mind when I get caught-up in my daily life
and do not take the time to dive beneath the surface.
When I look out, up, to the stars, galaxies, "dark matter".
I am looking in.
It is one and the same.
So, when I do remember-
to open my eyes, to reconnect...
I am breathless,
in wonder,
with questions.
"My God, it's full of stars!"

first star, set in blue
like a wayward spark, an idea
revealed in twilight