Friday, November 7, 2008

a small thought

The more I write these things down -
the more I see, the more I hear.
You participate in conversations, go about your daily life....
but you are at the same time removed, watching.
As if you are living in multiple dimensions/universes,
and are aware of them all.
This is not unpleasant, but rather, inspiring.

Along a similar train of thought.
The sense/feeling of space/air/volume.
(I may be tackling too much here for my descriptive abilities.)
Between point A & point B,
I can see/feel/am aware of, the space itself.
Not just the quality of the air,
or even light (which can define it)
more than what your eyes see.
You can feel it if you choose.
It starts deep inside of you moving outward.
Infinitely joining you with everything.
I have felt this sense of space/place since I was very small.
Which why I am attempting (inadequately) to describe it here.

2 more for today....
Between warm sunlight
the shadows are deep in thought
While stones sing deeply

At night, city lights
shine through voices and laughter
The mountains are still

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