Saturday, November 15, 2008

first star of the night
it floats in the faded sky
dancing with a bat


the gate is unfastened
and I am out wandering
with purpose
wide open
a constant state of looking
through the eyes of my soul

a look
the light on the wall
pools on the pavement below
the shores in shadow

Friday, November 14, 2008

frayed colour

Another year
and what a year.

Finding my feet on a new path,
I follow -
hints of promise
traces of dreams
and late at night
softly in my ear
twined with colour

Just because...
sometimes a desired state
merged into the I

spark of....

I have so many questions.
I look outside myself
and wonder,
I learned early on
that I have to find these things for myself.
I would wear people out.
The answers are there
I just need
to be
and recognize them when I pass.
birth day
forty-six years ago
I chose to enter this world
returning to learn

I am deep inside,
within myself, on a ledge
looking out to sea

Thursday, November 13, 2008

party of one

Today I took the long way home.
To the desert
along a trail, among the rocks,
the saguaros towering above me.
Behind - the sun set,
leaving me to walk
and write
in air filled with quiet gold.

needing solace, I
chased the sun to the desert
absolution found

two large jackrabbits
zigzagging across my path
scattering my thoughts

by touch
soon too dark to write
the colours fade around me
bleeding into night

the sharing
waiting for the moon
the night building around me
one but not alone

the night sounds are soft
quieting the land from day
whispered lullaby

On a different note:
Tomorrow is my birthday.
Forty-six years in this life.
And I feel I'm just reaching my stride.
Towards the horizon.

a familiar place
found on this way many times
you are there waiting

over my shoulder
I see the river of years
stepping from the shore
all I can do
raw pain of a friend
asking why with open eyes
helpless...I listen

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

where does it come from
this depth of feeling I found
in a strangers face

larger on the inside...

After getting out in the desert yesterday
it was nearly impossible to work in my cube today.
The feeling has stayed with me
awakening the wanderlust.
The need to go out
go forward
go past
go on
go in.
You' re never really sure
what you will find
what will be uncovered.
I am drawn beyond
always forward.
Yesterdays doubts
falling behind me
as I sail past.

On the edge of now
I look to the horizon
I am going home
too attuned with night
the full moon runs through my veins
I am lost in it

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

to be out

Out again,
this time in the desert.
Walking towards the mountains
my back to the city.
The trail winds around rocks
rust red sand, white quartz, sun bleached gold.
They all take on the glow of the setting sun.

That time of day again,
that takes your breath
and your words
away every time.
Every detail of the canyon I face
chiseled out of light.
The orange gold light
becomes a presence,
that awes you,
humbles you,
and is you
all at once.
The air, mountains, trees, cactus
to this light

(this trying to put into words -
a work in progress)

white pearl of a moon
glowing above the desert
my path becomes clear

Monday, November 10, 2008

Looking out from in,
through brittle glass made of doubt
shattered, pieces shine


It has been windy here
(and dry, they measure the rain here
in hundredths of an inch & that counts as rainfall).
There is much dust in the air.
This morning driving in to work.
The sun is a sharp, white disk on the horizon.
Almost as dim as a moon.
It tries to rise, pushing at the thick air.
It is odd to be out when it is like this.
The mountains disappear.
you lose your guides,
and feel suspended in a murky cloud.
As if overnight I have been transported somewhere else.

(I still have not figured out this need to describe/define
what I see through my eyes, my mind.
I will let it take me where I need to go.)
laughing, I look up
at a moon in a blue sky
ripe fruit on a branch

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I walk with a pad and paper now.
Until I get this out of my system.
Madly writing as I walk - fits and starts.
The neighbors probably think I am spying on them.
Writing them up
for some minor infraction
of neighborhood law.
Either that - or I'm going to walk into a cactus.
Or a mailbox.

she rises and soars
wingtips pointed to the sun
dancing with the wind

leaves dance around me
as I walk in swirling air
the stones dream of space

chased by a white wind
I run through clouds of amber
glowing like the sun

rough, cobbled pavement
reminding me of childhood
stopping my new skates

(I had said, no guarantees.)


Yes. I am stirred by these autumn winds.
Clearing away the peaceful veil of the day,
raw wild eyes are revealed.


The -looking-
the -seeing-
never stops.
Creating the world around me.
Expanding the world within me.


out beyond the walls
the landscape speaks to my eyes
whispers beneath colour

glass(es) of red

Too much wine, (or just the right amount?).
A plethora of spirits?
Meeting a kindred soul.

on wine fueled wings
conversation goes higher
down one trail of thought

Foggy indeed.
I should not be posting.