Saturday, November 1, 2008


Out walking.....again

At dusk, mountains sing
reading the edge of the sky
defining the day

Thoughts coalescing today, not yet ready to put down.
An ongoing process, that I'm actually enjoying.
sometimes like trying to focus through a spinning kaleidoscope

looking for a pen
there at the side of the road
haiku comes quickly

Friday, October 31, 2008

On All Hallows Eve
laughter floats on eerie wings
keeping out the night
have you ever seen
the light that shines from my eyes
lighting your way home

This is for no-one in particular.
Someday some poor soul will get these dumped on him.
Hopefully they won't be too heavy....


facing Orion
I join the approaching day
darkness ends, sublime

Sunrises are beautiful, but
it has always been the sunsets
the twilight lands
that seem familiar to me.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

a defining light

I was frustrated with words, ideas and people today. I think I need to slow down, wrestle one idea at a time.

maybe just a walk....

I went out for a walk. I have always loved this time of day, this time of year. It alters me deeply. The light on the mountains, in the air. The slow mix of colour from above, to horizon.
A sliver of moon, just at the edge, floating,
the light from the day passed shining through it.
It stirs feelings inside I cannot define, this autumn light. It is both painful and sweet, sorrow mixed with a quiet joy.
My words still cannot define it

standing on the edge
balanced on the curve of night
falling into blue

I have also been thinking about my daily brushes with infinity.
(This stirred up from a thread of conversation.)
But, infinity is not for tonight.
Unless it will help make this pile of paperwork go away.

tangled in voices

the pale
I need to look out
beyond the pale,
where the light
is clear

How do you keep your vision,
when it seems so
from your day-to-day life?
The mind gets
around unimportant
What seems clear
drowning out
laughing at myself...
defining the view with words
I miss the purpose!

to listen

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

quietly I look
there, at the edge of myself
a universe waits
I stop, breathe, listen
slowing to the fading day
leaving with the light

through my mind, through the day

bits and pieces of my day,
my brain is tired

Gets the imagination going...

"Proposed NASA Mission Could Explore Twisted Space
Black Holes"
An interesting image....
"...twisted space..."

Heard in passing..
"...thwarted by reality..."
"...humans must breathe to live."

Music today:
Philip Glass "the Hours" .
Peter Gabriel "Passion"
Tom Rickman from the video "Venice Lamp"
Philip Glass "Violin Concerto" (Mvt. 2 in particular)

one for today....
The Bend
Trying to see past
A bend in the road clearly
You are already there


Tired, as if I
walked a thousand miles.
Who knew words could take so?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

into the aether

Ok. (This wordiness will not be the norm.)
I am going to contradict myself. Allowable.
If I was writing just for myself it would not be on a blog, would it?
But tucked away somewhere, hidden.
To write only secretly and alone.
Instead I struggle, ponder, question, dream, uncover - out here.
Hiding in plain sight.
I suppose it is from the hope that a connection will be made,
a nod of understanding.
"Yes, exactly.
I feel the same...
I see the same...."
Do we feel less isolated on our paths, and in our visions by this?
Is it necessary for the journey?
I have never minded being alone in my thoughts, with my views.
Life is rich with places, inside and out, to explore.
(Who could ever truly see me? I suppose everyone feels that way.)

I do not believe in coincidence. Landscapes, situations...people,
are put along our path for a reason.
For our benefit, or theirs, sometimes mutual.

Is there a haiku in all this? Probably more than one.
But one is all I have tonight.
I am tired.

my path is twilight
a winding through the aether
lit by many souls

stumbling over the sky

There is a feeling I am trying to convey.
That expanding, rising, fullness,
electric fierce joy,
while I face the sky.
The land at the edge
the place that exists
just there
A part of me already there
the rest trying to join/meld
Threads of indigo light
connecting the pieces
leaving me whole

Trying to see,
I am still
to meet

(That started out as a haiku, but felt too confined in the framework of just 3 lines.)

I think that it will take many efforts to try and describe this feeling.
As I stumble over the words.....


I am finding a blog to be an interesting creature.
(another paradox?)

Trying to be understood.


To understand.
"I have stretched...
golden chains
from star to star,
and I dance,"
Arthur Rimbaud

Monday, October 27, 2008

stopped in my tracks

inside view
I turned the page,
there, a painting of me...How?
In colour and light.


stepping into night
air like water on my skin
i talk to the stars

(and they answer)

tangled in words

I have always enjoyed the unexpected pairing of words.
Few words, joined in a new way.
Understanding, clarity, meaning.
(It is the way I perceive it anyway.)
When written/read - a meditation
on each syllable, each word.
(A mapping, yes, I like that way of looking at it.)
The more words I use,
the muddier the meaning becomes,
like watercolours.
A tangled web of suggestions

with a breath - exhaled
the light fades so quietly
lasting forever

still not work....

Keyboards & Barber
Sharp fingers tapping
Burrowing into my skull
Craving sounds of space

(Adagio for Strings, Op.11)

not work

"A roomful of professional sailors is a disconcerting thing to see.
Nobody looks at anybody else.
Everybody is scanning the horizon."
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

To sail,
out on the ocean,
no land in sight.
Swallowed by the sky.

in a cube

It is difficult to sit in a cubicle this morning.
I want to be

in a cube

Grey walls surround
The light of day but forgotten
Sanity lost quietly

(but not completely)

6 AM-little sleep

around the next bend
looking for dreamed of places
living the journey

Sunday, October 26, 2008

in overdrive to balance

Evidently my mind is in overdrive today.
Until I find a new medium or sense of balance.
I write.
This actually started months ago (2008 has been quite a year). I continually tortured someone with my writing. I showed mercy and relieved him (and his mail box) of my ramblings.
As I will here too—eventually.

Someone recently got me thinking on how to describe where I am, the desert.
The sense and feeling of place.
The air and light here are hard to define.
Clear, full, large.
During a hot day the air takes on a silver sheen, glazing your vision.
In the evenings there is a (very) short time when the light turns gold.
It tips the leaves and mountains in glowing liquid light.
The air hums with color.

gently and softly
quiet light touches every edge
as the music swells

I will revisit this some other time.


When I go outside, walking, moving.
I always wonder what's beyond the next bend, hill, mountain, tree....
Searching for - what?
New views?
I don't know, but it's always there.
I cannot remember not feeling this.
I am not the one that will say "turn back, time to go".
There is always the possibility that I will keep going, (at least I feel that way).
Is that what I am doing right now, but going inside rather than out?

I am going out
walking to a far-off point
never turning back

And that is it for today. Time to get back to life.

thinking too much....again

Too old for change? Never.
It is the growing pains that are more deeply felt.
Necessary pain? Pain and growth, is one always with the other?
Do you feel more, intensely, as you you get older (that word!)?
Or as some, get complacent.
I am not finding that to be the case, complacency.

(in just now....)
opening myself
the horizon goes through me
letting the world in

More I recently dug-up....
the night a curtain
behind, the moon glows deeply
as full as a glance

running by my feet
important places to go
a striped lizard