Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I walk with thunder
while above, lightening dances
smell of creosote

I walked in the rain this evening
you could see the blue grey curtains
traveling from the mountains
down across the valley
I closed my eyes and felt the cold rain on my skin
the smells from the desert rain
swirled around me
complex and deep
layers, memories, dreams, impressions
the rain slowed then stopped
the air stilled, softly expectant
and while I listened
it whispered up behind me
I smiled, as it washed over me
such peace found
leaving me to remember
why I am here

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

night as company

here I am again
in that place, an endless night
stretching before me

the moon grows to full
it swells and fills my body
my head is spinning

boundaries are thin at night
they start to fade in the twilight
haunting the corners of my sight

as the night deepens and opens
they disappear completely
for an endless breath
a path in a dream

I breathe
I follow
I fade

Sunday, August 2, 2009

passing thought

touching the comforts
she moves slowly through the house
fingers brush her life
this is not me
rather what I fear
being tied down to things
surrounding yourself with the past
afraid to move forward
blind to the present

pull up the anchors
let your sails fill
and sleep tonight
beyond the horizon