Sunday, November 16, 2014

sharp as clear sunlight
words and life reach a balance
turning with the leaves


gently, these bright lives
enter my doors and windows
colours beyond thought

Thursday, May 22, 2014

words dropped one by one
until nothing left but sound
thoughts run like water

Monday, April 28, 2014

rise and fill the sky
on waves the colour of thought
my heart for a sail

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

words shine or destroy
in the landscape of the heart
use them carefully

clear as sharp starlight
I see your heart in your eyes
shadows on the floor

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

such a mad jumble!
words dance, dust motes in sunlight
spinning and flashing

my heart is learning
the music of your story
layers of deep sound

Thursday, January 9, 2014

a familiar light
looks back at me through dark eyes
with doors wide open

the slow explosions
that come from intense stillness
warm quivering breath

Monday, January 6, 2014

my words are mountains
built layer upon layer
whispers to the stars

I seem to have much to say lately
but don't know where to begin.
So what is this need I feel to
explain myself or to find
where I stand amidst
the lives, the wonder
that is around me?
All is connected,
I have no doubt, 
and I am in