Saturday, March 21, 2009

sat 03.21.09 PM

I went out into the desert this evening
with each step
my heart slows
my breath deepens
I still the mind
and let the horizon
wash over me
blue waves
tipped with rose gold light
I am pulled out into the ocean of night


deep in your smile
and the corners of you eyes
a familiar place

shutting out the noise
you search for your own music
and find the deep chords

(none needed.....iiwii - it is what it is)

sat 03.21.09 AM

from yesterday evening......

I took a breath and
there, poured from under grey clouds
a gentle gold light


in the past I had always turned to colour
paints, pastels, pencil
to try to define how I see the world around me
now I am trying the same with words
whether it's working or not
I find it very satisfying

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a minor chord

my shadow dances
a lovers dance with sunlight
long, gliding, glances

I watched the shadows
racing over the desert today
to amazing music
which magnified my sight
and cleared my vision
removing me to one of those
close-by, parallel universes
that existing in plain sight
at the edge of our daily lives
it just takes a small twist of the dial
to change the view in front of us
and see what has always been there

Sunday, March 15, 2009

03.15.09 PM

the day draws a breath
as the sun slides towards night
I am filled with now

an evening walk
moving through twilight colours
time is suspended in this light

03.15.09 AM

pulled into my shell
I read the walls of my life
new pictures emerge