Saturday, March 7, 2009

sat 03.07.09

the space inside is larger than what I see out
people swirl around me
I am untouched
unmoved today
I am in my own world
hidden behind an open door
in full flashing colour
while they look around them
wondering why they feel incomplete
while looking through closed eyes


swirling around me
others lives, I am removed
riding the cold wind

who are these people?
I have never felt part of
their world is not mine

hot sun on my back
opens my spine to the sky
searing hot release


things are not as gloomy as they sound
I was out for a few hours today
thrown in with a large group of people
I am always fascinated
by how we/people interact with each other
our separate views of the same world
I love the differences and discrepancies
and occasional synchronicity
the unexpected connections
that you feel to your very core
as you find lost parts
of yourself

Thursday, March 5, 2009


monday 03.02.09
today I am free
light as a cloud at sunrise
buoyed with knowledge

wednesday 03.04.09
the smell of citrus
like warm oil in the air

thursday 03.05.09
flashing large and full
a molten red sun trembles
setting on my skin

spinning, circling
moons around a blue planet
a balance of need

all these words I write, the distilled essence of who I am
a map laid in these haiku
and there are more waiting to get out the door
thoughts, feelings, perceptions.....words
all standing in a not-so-orderly-line
sometimes pushing and shoving
trying to be the first out into the world
now that the door has been opened
it has forgotten how to close
letting out the inside
I expand to fill the outside
where does one start, one end?

rambling a bit this evening

Sunday, March 1, 2009


the stars are brilliant
with their wild white voices
I hear my true name

mountains slice the sky
the way your smile—my will
opened too deeply

not easily closed