Saturday, March 14, 2009


I watched a stone
grow lazily in the sun
rising above me
reaching and gathering
plugging up holes
rebuilding my stores
redefining my...self, if you will
this can't be rushed
nor is it a straight line
the twists and turns
clearly visible on this page
obviously so

Friday, March 13, 2009

lunch break

in the desert sun
a pale pink shell glows softly
water memories

surreal, the desert
held to the earth by the sun
it tolerates us

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

wed 03.11.09

slow burn
twirling in colour
I dance in a comets tail
brighter than sunlight

Monday, March 9, 2009

now what?
holding tightly on

I have the world by the tail
wondering...what's next?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sunday eve

I am quiet, still
as a stone in the desert
waiting for the rain

(That one speaks volumes for me.
Are we responsible for our own rain?
The length of the wait written by our own needs and wants?
Or is it the waiting itself that is the destination.)

orange gold blossoms
of the sun, grace the branches
of a mesquite tree